Our Service

Recovery is always a journey and not really a destination

While you may physically become stronger, often the cognitive, emotional element of recovery from REDs and EDs is one that continues- you keep evolving- each year you become more aware and from that awareness you learn to ask yourself, how does this behaviour, thought or situation serve me? 

You learn to let go of the critical voice within you and that your achievements whether that’s sporting, a body image or work related don’t define you. 

You learn that emotions are helpful not something to be fearful of.

You learn that life doesn’t always work out the way you expect it to, but that doesn’t mean you are not progressing or that you have somehow failed. It’s just that one chapter closesand another starts. 

You learn that you don’t feel “happy” everyday or that you are “smashing life”. You learn that you will feel pain and loss but that how you grow is dependent on how you respond to it all. 

This is the journey we take you on with Team Renee McGregor. We support you from the start with the physical concerns, the modification in training needs. We provide accountability and the tools for you to leave our service and return to your sport, your life resilient, robust and ready to open the door to opportunity and life. 

There is no one size fits all approach and there is no generic advice. The work comes from taking you through your journey, holding your hand and giving you the confidence to be you and enjoy being you. 

Then with regards to our process:

We provide support looking at the whole you. Whether you have specific sporting achievements you are working towards or have noticed a decline in your performance. If you have identified that you have a dysfunctional relationship with food and training, Team Renee McGregor is here to guide and support you through your individual journey.

What does it involve?

We want to support you from the word go and ensure that we provide you with appropriate package. This is why it is so important that you complete our initial intake form and also have blood tests prior to your initial assessment.

We work with Lola Health and together we have designed a specific profile that can help us to assess your physical health status which then provides us with the information we need to identify how we can support you and your individual needs. We look at a range of markers which can tell us about your levels of stress, metabolic function and immune health.

We believe in a multi-disciplinary team approach and so through your journey you will start work with one member of our team and as you progress through your journey, we may refer you to some of our partner practitioners to ensure that you leave our service as sustainable athletes.

Motivational Interviewing

We use techniques from the field of behaviour change called ‘Motivational Interviewing’.

The aim of these techniques is to provide a supportive empathetic session that facilitates self-directed motivation, confidence, and esteem in clients in order to facilitate appropriate behaviour change.

We also focus on mindfulness as research has demonstrate time and time again that this is one of the most effective methods to help reconnect mind and body but also overcome anxiety, depression, addiction and dysfunctional eating.


Finally, we offer guidance on nutrition, training and lifestyle based on the individuals presenting health and emotional status. At no point will clients be told what to do. Client progress is more likely to be successful when carried out using intrinsic motivation.  Presently, all sessions are carried out online.

Start Loving the WHOLE You

I offer consultations that aim to help you achieve a healthy attitude towards health, fitness and food.

Start your journey

Please fill out the form below and start your journey to recovery.


You may still complete the form below however if you have not had a recent blood test there may be some delays in booking your initial appointment.

Please Note: If during our consultation it is found that further recommendations at our clinic are unable to be made due to certain criteria, such as the patient is under the age of 16, has a BMI of under 17.5, or weight and height, (for under 18s) is below 85%, or we have unmanageable clinical safety concerns around the client’s baseline health and needs, then Renee will outline our recommended care options that can be taken outside of our clinic.