Health is dependent on many aspects of your life. This is why a multifaceted approach is essential to optimise your health and performance. Nicky and Renee have worked together for many years providing a unique blend of nutritional and medical expertise.
The EN:SPIRE clinic was developed. Combining Nutrition and endocrinological expertise, we provide support to those of you who have identified a change in your hormonal health

Whether you are questioning a previous PCOS diagnosis, struggling with conceiving or just uncertain whether you are experiencing peri menopause and/or menopause, we can provide insights and support your continued quality of life and participation in your chosen form of exercise

The EN:SPIRE clinic is here to identify and provide you with medical, nutritional and behavioural interventions to help restore your hormonal health.

Real-time Analysis

We encourage you to use our specially designed biomarker profile to help identify your physical health status which will then be used, a long side your nutrition and training assessment to develop the support you require.

Dr. Nicola Keay

Nicky is the author of “Health Hormones and Human Potential: A guide to understanding your hormones to optimise your health and performance”. Nicky graduated and qualified in medicine from Cambridge University. Nicky is currently an Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Division of Medicine, University College London. She lectures and researches in areas of exercise endocrinology, with publications in this field. Nicky’s clinical endocrine work is mainly with exercisers, dancers and athletes, with a focus on relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs) and athletes navigating perimenopause/menopause. Nicky works to provide a more personalised approach for hormone health. Nicky authored the British Association of Sports and Exercise Medicine (BASEM) online resource and has produced courses for young female athletes and their coaches, endorsed by BASEM. Nicky is medical advisor to Scottish Ballet and a keen dancer herself taking 4 ballet classes per week.

"I can’t thank both Nicky and Renee enough for what they have done for me. Physically I am stronger than I have ever been, mentally happier than I have been in so many years and my times are starting to reflect this too! I have had 6 months of no running due to a catalogue of stress fractures and this for me was the turning point. Over this time I have worked closely with both and restored my weight to a more healthier figure and can’t believe how good I feel for it; I returned to running 8 weeks ago and am already running the times I was before the break. Yes I have been cross training to maintain my base fitness but have cut my training volume in half, increased my weight and have rekindled my love for the sport which was something I feel I had lost. It really does show that lighter doesn’t always mean faster!! But, more than that I feel I have found my love for life again!"
Charlotte Monk

En:spire Clinic



Start your journey

Please fill out the form below and start your journey to recovery.


While we respect your confidentiality, we have a policy that if we believe you are at risk to yourself or others, we have a duty of care to contact your GP without your consent.